Colony Days
Balance Bike Race

A Fundraiser for

         June 11th - 1:00 PM
          $7 per rider

Races for:   2 years and under.
       3 years old.
       4 years old.
       5 years old.
      Tricycle (Age 2-5)
T-shirt and medal included. The Winner from each balance bike heat will WIN a new balance bike, Prizes for 2nd and 3rd place. Tricycle winning prize will be a new roaster tricycle.

oneWHEEL -The micro-shredder the world has fallen in love with. (Value:$1275)
TOP SPEED 16 mph, RANGE 6-8 miles

Hiboy BK1 Electric Balance Bike For Kids
TOP SPEED 9 mph, RANGE 6 miles(Value:$355)

Razor 24V Dirt Quad
TOP SPEED 8 mph, RANGE 40 mins.(Value:$499)

Jetson Sync All-Terrain Hoverboard
TOP SPEED 10 mph, RANGE 8 miles (Value:$159)

Tickets will be sold at the Balance Bike Race, 
HeBrew's Cafe, and Bee Well Chiropractic.
Drawing will take place on July 29th.

$20 for 1 Ticket or
$100 for 6 Tickets

All Proceeds will be donated to help the children of Alaska, allowing them to find health and healing through chiropractic care!

Support Bee Free Alaska 
to ensure we can provide a natural and drug free option to health for the children in our community. Allowing these kiddos to live to their fullest potential.